- 一个新的Over-The-Cell布线算法 A New Over-The-Cell Channel Router
- 耶稣被钉死在十字架上。与the连用 The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
- RPC over HTTP使用当前Windows操作系统登录信息的要求 Requirements for RPC over HTTP to Use the Current Windows Operating System Logon Information
- THE蛋白 THE gene
- push-Over push-over
- 定冠词 the definite article, the
- Push-over分析 Push-over analysis
- 赤道赤道。和the连用 The equator. Used with the.
- Push-over方法 method of push-over
- 最畅销品目录最畅销的唱片或其他物品的目录单。常与the连用 A listing of best-selling recorded music or other items. Often used with the.
- on-over-above on-over-above
- 无家可归的人。常与the连用 People without homes considered as a group. Often used with the.
- IP-over-DwDM IP - over - DWDM
- 定冠词the definite article "the"
- Start Over按钮用于在开始时删除窗体数据并且重新启动向导。 The Start Over button deletes the form data and re-starts the wizard at the beginning.
- 事过境迁。the matter is all over, and the situation has changed.
- Inver-over算子 inver-over operator
- 魔鬼;撒且。与the连用 The Devil; Satan. Used with the.
- 如果连接超时少于30秒,RPC over HTTP代理网络组件将不会加载。 If the connection time-out is less than 30 seconds, the RPC over HTTP proxy networking component will not load.
- inner web of the middle toe (足中趾与次趾间之缝隙) 中指内间